Thursday, May 29, 2014

Great PPC Tip...

Read a great tip tonight from Greg Young the PPC Jedi...
  • Best Tip – There is a lot of value in realizing that not all searches are created equally; as a result, marketers shouldn’t use the same single offer for all traffic, but rather utilize different assets/offers depending on the keywords that trigger the ad.  Your visitor’s search may have been a: question, solution, brand, product, symptom, or problem.  Make sure that your offering/page matches what their query suggests they are looking for.  Some sample offerings based on queries could be: If query denotes a question, offer a guide; if query is about a competitors brand, offer a comparison; if query is about the product offer a trial.  Organize your keywords so that you’ll know what the visitor is searching for and then be able to serve up a lead capture page that better serves your visitors.
Great advice Greg, you made me think...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Leaky Landing Page???

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

AdWords Ads are Preferred by 8 out of 10 Americans

  "During these tests we noted that the vast majority of the customers (81/100) clicked on Google Adwords rather than the natural search results.

When we asked participants what they thought the Adwords were (and why they were appearing at the top of their search results) typical responses included:

“…the first 3 that meet my search criteria, presumably the best.”

“…best match for what you have put in the search. They have got the words that you have put in or are the most popular.”

“…the most searched I guess.”

SOURCE: Behavioural Research Consultancy Bunnyfoot 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Most effective PPC lead types

A 2013 study by eMarketer found that a larger percentage of sales managers rate telephone calls as “excellent” or “good” – more than any other PPC lead type. It’s why phone calls are the very conversion marketers most need to track to accurately measure ROI from paid search. We use a transcription based system with real time text/email alerts for our clients.

Facebook and AdWords Work Better Together

A new study by Facebook Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer Marin Software shows that search campaigns actually perform better when they are done in concert with a Facebook campaign.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Local Search Patterns

Great new research from Ipsos MediaCT which shows how consumers conduct local searches.