Friday, March 21, 2014

Stating The Obvious

In my role at Level 5 and Team Velocity, I look at 100's of Pay Per Click ads every week.  It always amazes me that people will spend big bucks on Google AdWords, and say absolutely nothing. Take for example this ad...

This ad was served by google in response to a "transmission repair" inquiry. Look at the text below the phone number. "Our Mechanics Are Highly Qualified." As opposed to what? "Our Mechanics Are Highly Unqualified."

Chris Rock had a comedy routine that made fun of people who would go around saying, "I take care of my kids." He used to say, "Do you want a medal for doing something that you should be doing?"  The same holds true for business owners.  Consumers should be able to assume that a transmission shop employs people who are qualified to perform the repair. Why waste valuable ad space and marketing dollars stating something so obvious?

These guys get it..

A quick glance at this ad lets me know I can save $100 and be protected from coast to coast.  

There is a science to good PPC ad writing. Verbs, much more effectively than nouns or adjectives, will move your message past Broca’s Area, that part of the brain that rejects the mundane and ignores the predictable.  After all, you aren't trying for an impression or even a click.  The sole purpose of your ad is to get someone to pick up the phone or fill out an online form.  Those who bore Broca are condemned to mediocrity. Those who stimulate Broca will find themselves generating serious AdWords ROI.

So if your Google AdWords campaign isn't making your phone ring. Before you start tweaking bids or adding budget, take a glance at your ad copy. Make sure you aren't wasting everyone's time by stating the obvious.

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